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Cosmetic Procedure Overview

The bulk of Dr. Duffy’s practice is certainly reconstruction but he has also practiced elective cosmetic surgery for his entire career.  Many of his reconstructive patients (particularly his breast reconstruction patients) eventually elect to have cosmetic procedures.  Some of his most gratified patients are his cosmetic patients. He enjoys helping realistic patients with their aesthetic goals.

The bulk of his aesthetic practice involves recontouring the body.  Procedures such as thigh lifts, breast lifts, abdominoplasty, and neck lifts are all procedures he is happy to perform for patients.  Many of these procedures involve trading scar for improved contour. All are done in accredited surgery centers as outpatient surgery.  The most common facial procedure he does is upper or lower blepharoplasty, which also recontours a part of the body, the eyelids.  He typically does blepharoplasties in his office under local anesthesia.

Patients desiring cosmetic surgery will need to undergo an initial cosmetic consultation with Dr. Duffy.  In general, cosmetic surgery is not covered by health insurance and is the financial responsibility of the patient.  Dr. Duffy charges $100 for a cosmetic consultation, which will be applied to booking/surgery fees, if the patient decides to proceed with surgeryPatients will be given a quote for their surgery that details Dr. Duffy’s fees, the anesthesia fee, and the facility fee.  Any implants that may be needed will also be included in the quote.  Dr. Duffy’s patients will be treated the same as his reconstructive patients in terms of making sure the patient is a candidate for the procedure and ensuring that they are healthy enough to undergo the planned surgery.  Safety first always.

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