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Prophylactic mastectomy and reconstruction

Prophylactic mastectomy and reconstruction because of a strong family history of breast cancer or a positive genetic test is becoming increasingly common in the United States and around the world.  Many women are being educated by their physicians or friends, reading about options or high profile cases (such as Angelina Jolie several years ago) in the media, or deciding after their own research that reducing their risk of breast cancer is an appropriate choice for them.   This typically entails prophylactic mastectomies and almost always reconstruction, especially since many of these women are quite young.  The younger the patient is the more likely Dr. Duffy is to recommend using their own tissues to reconstruct their breasts (see DIEP flap).  Our practice has treated courageous women as young as twenty with this approach who are anxious to minimize the risk of breast cancer in their futures.

More information about this approach can be found under our patient resource tab.

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